Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali “Marco Fanno”, Università degli Studi di Padova
Massimo Bordignon, Buso M, Rossella Levaggi, Gilberto Turati. (2020). Chapter 2: Health Policy, Private investment with social benefits under uncertainty: The dark side of public financing.…
Massimo Bordignon, Buso M, Rossella Levaggi, Gilberto Turati. (2020). Chapter 2: Empirical Methodology in Private investment with social benefits under uncertainty: The dark side of…
Massimo Bordignon, Marco Buso (2021) L’UNIONE EUROPEA DI FRONTE ALLA PANDEMIA Di fronte ad una crisi globale, qual è la pandemia da Covid-19, un ruolo…
Buso M., B. Cesi, Coretti, S. and Turati, G., (2024) Contracting Unverifiable Quality in Healthcare: The Importance of Political Stability for Relational Contracts. Available at…
Buso M., Greco L. (2023). The optimality of public–private partnerships under financial and fiscal constraints. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. The government may delegate two…
Bordignon M.; Buso M; Levaggi R.; Turati G. (2023) Policy coordination in healthcare: The reallocation of functions from EU Member States to the European Union…
Buso M., Dosi C., Moretto M., Dynamic Regulation of Public Franchises with Imperfectly Correlated Demand Shocks. FEEM Working Paper No. 03. Abstract: In a continuous-time setting,…
Buso M., Dosi C., Moretto M. (2021). Do exit options increase the value for money of public–private partnerships? Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Volume 30(4),…
Buso M., Moretto M., Zormpas D. (2021). Excess returns in Public-Private Partnerships: Do governments pay too much?. Economic Modelling, Volume 102, 105586. Abstract: We…
Attanasi G., My KB., Buso M., Stenger A. (2020). Private investment with social benefits under uncertainty: The dark side of public financing. Journal of Public Economic Theory,…