Rebba V., Bonvento B., Tanzi E. (2016).
Bisogni di salute emergenti e nuovi servizi sanitari territoriali: il sistema socio-sanitario del Veneto dopo il Piano Regionale 2012-2016. Economia e Società Regionale, Vol. XXXIV, N.3, pp. 114-143.
The article analyses the implementation of the new community-based care supply chain introduced by the Regional health and social-care plan (Pssr) of the Veneto Region, which is based on the operation of an integrated network of health and social services to cope with the needs of people with chronic diseases. To this aim, we consider seven Local health and social authorities (Aziende Unità locali socio-sanitarie – A-Ulss) corresponding to the territories of the seven provinces of the Veneto Region. We develop both a quantitative analysis (using a set of indicators of demand, community care supply and hospital care supply) and a qualitative analysis of the main stakeholders’ opinions. The study reveals that the models of community care and the health and social coordination adopted by the Local health and social authorities are strongly asymmetric and depend more on contingent situations linked to local institutional environments – the higher or lower willingness of the stakeholders to get involved and the existence of incentives to stimulate change – and less on the consideration of actual population’s health and social-care needs.